Your donations will enable the Quantum Biology Laboratory's work by providing valuable administrative support, new equipment purchases, and seed funding for ideas that arise from our supported research portfolio but have yet to be proposed in new grant applications.
Behold, I have begun an inquiry such as has not been attempted before. You can complete what I have begun so that the people of our country will become wise with the help of God and arrive at the science of truth, lest they believe in falsehood, trust in depravity, go from vanity to vanity, that they know the truth and love their brother [and sister]...If there are intelligent [people] who understand these things and even higher ones, and who teach and write them, let God give them all they wish in their hearts and bring to completion all they long for and satisfy them with all the things of the world as He satisfied me...
- The Treatise of Zär'a Ya'eqob, 17th century philosopher